Visit Inspectorate for Cultural Heritage from Kosovo
Colleagues from the Inspectorate for Cultural Heritage in Pristina, Kosovo, visited the Information and Heritage Inspectorate of the Netherlands from 12-14 December 2022.
About Inspectorate for Cultural Heritage of Kosovo
The Inspectorate for Cultural Heritage was established only in 2018 and the Kosovo colleagues are looking for inspiration in several countries, including the Netherlands, for further positioning their institute. At the moment the focus is on the protection of monuments, but this will be extended to movable cultural heritage. Kosovo is rich in cultural heritage and different organisations have a role in the protection of cultural heritage after the war. Tuning between the organisations and improvement in supervision are important aims.

Working visit to the Netherlands
Colleagues from the Dutch Inspectorate have exchanged the way supervision is organized in state collections in museums, on monuments and on archaeological objects and sites. Also attention was paid to the tasks of the Inspectorate and the supervision over EU and UNESCO legislation. Thanks to the cooperation of colleagues from the Cultural Heritage Agency, the Bureau for the Council of Inspectorates and the policy Department Heritage and Arts of the Ministry of Culture, information on built and archaeological heritage and general cultural and museum policy could be shared. Aspects on conservation and digitization were discussed during visits at the Netherlands Collection Centre and the Netherlands Heritage Laboratory. In Museum Mesdag attention was paid to collection management.
The Embassies of Kosovo in The Hague and of the Netherlands in Pristina supported the visit. The Ambassador of Kosovo in the Netherlands, HE Dren Doli, attended the farewell reception.